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We did it.
You did it.
Together, we made history on Tuesday. Governor Eric Holcomb was reelected. Our supermajority in the Indiana House grew and we held our supermajority in the Senate. Todd Rokita won a decisive victory and is now our Attorney General-elect. Victoria Spartz won following a hard-fought campaign in the 5th Congressional District after facing a barrage of inaccurate attacks. We’re still compiling data, but it looks like we’ll also extend our success at the local level and celebrate more Republican wins for county commissioners.
And, once again, Indiana was first on the board for President Trump and Hoosier Vice President Mike Pence.
There are still votes to count and races to decide, but one thing is already clear: Election Night 2020 was a huge success for Indiana Republicans.
And that’s because of supporters, volunteers, and voters like you.
I am profusely grateful for all you do to move our party forward. Victories like the ones last night are only possible because of our motivated and energized team.
We believe in the importance of teamwork. There are no lonely victories in Indiana. So, please, take a moment to celebrate your contributions to our winning team and take pride in the role you played to get us the “W.”
Of course, our work isn’t over. In many ways, in fact, it is just beginning. I wanted to share this brief note of appreciation for all that you do. Serving as chairman during this era of unprecedented wins for Indiana Republicans has been a highlight of my professional career. I’m unbelievably proud of all we’ve accomplished, together.
Congratulations and, again, thank you. You mean the world of difference for Indiana.
Kyle Hupfer

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