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A former family court magistrate who was sacked after he claimed in an adoption case that a child should be placed "with a mother and a father" is taking his case to the Court of Appeal. NSS chief executive Stephen Evans is quoted.
Serving police officers and legal experts have highlighted concerns with the Scottish Government's embattled Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill.
Austria's chancellor has joined President Macron of France in declaring a common European front in a "war on Islamism" after four people were killed in a terror attack in central Vienna.
Human rights groups are calling on Poland to drop charges against three women who face jail for sharing posters of the Virgin Mary with a rainbow-coloured halo.
Italy's lower house of parliament on Wednesday passed an anti-discrimination bill that makes violence against women and LGBT+ people a hate crime, with those found guilty of such attacks risking longer prison terms.
In the world of Malta's Christian organisations and faith schools, a cultural war is being waged against the Equality Bill, a new set of rules that places a renewed onus on employers to curb discriminatory practices.
Conservative US Supreme Court justices on Wednesday appeared sympathetic to religious rights claims against Philadelphia brought by a Catholic Church-affiliated agency after the city refused to use the group in its foster care program because it would not accept same-sex couples as prospective foster parents.
Liberal equivocation on whether to stand up to jihadist murder and Islamist intimidation is morally wrong, misguided and counter-productive, says Chris Sloggett.
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