Thursday, November 5th, 2020

Black Privilege

Vasko Kohlmayer

The Election Was a Tie. Now What?

Ryan McMaken

The Government’s Lust To Spy

Andrew P. Napolitano

Criminal NY Governor Declares New Fascist Covid Rules

Jon Rappoport

The World Now Sees That There’s No Exceptionalism or Grandeur in American Democracy But Only Chaos & a Sense of Injustice

Tom Fowdy

The Truth Behind the Biggest Threat to the ‘War on Terror’ Narrative

Cynthia Chung

The Trump Review

Steve Sailer

A Pleasant Conversation

Bionic Mosquito

Nearly Six Weeks’ Worth of Leaked Text Messages Show Kenosha District Attorney Getting Chummy with BLM Activist

Evan James

Covid: a Curfew for What?

Thierry Meyssan

The Purpose of the Orchestrated Covid “Pandemic” Is To Create a Dystopia in which there Is No Human Independence

Paul Craig Roberts

OxyContin Maker Pleads Guilty and Shuts Down

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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