
November 4, 2020


Dear John,

I've waited until now to send out a "day-after" communication, hoping we might have a different outcome than the one it appears we have in the vote for president in The Badger State.  But that doesn't look to be a very realistic hope at this point, notwithstanding the news that President Trump says he is going to request a recount here. 

So, as of now Biden beat President Trump in our state--and that's meaningful on many levels, to be sure. But all is not lost in an election--ever. On the positive side politically, nationally it appears Republicans will retain their majority in the US Senate, which means significant stalemate in Washington because the US House remains firmly in Democrats' hands. Think of this situation from this perspective: there are many things worse than nothing happening in Washington, D.C.! (I sincerely hope that makes you smile.)

In our state, Republicans lost a couple of seats in the Assembly but still have a considerable majority (61-38). In the State Senate the Republicans may, when all this is over, actually increase their majority. That's significant because the state legislature right now is a definite firewall between the Governor's liberal policies and "we the people."

I began with mentioning hope--and I close with that. As Christians, our hope never rests in an election, in politicians, or in government. Our hope ALWAYS rests securely in Jesus Christ. God is in control and His divine plan is NEVER thwarted. That gives me real hope every single day--and I trust it does you as well!

You are another reason we have hope. You have stood with us throughout this election cycle. You've volunteered, attended events, been church liaisons, distributed literature, voted and encouraged others to do the same and much more. Thank you!  Soon, we will give you some impressive data about the work we've together done during this election, but for now here's a bit of a summary:

  • We were honored to reach out to about 1000 churches with educational election resources.
  • We contacted well over 100,000 conservative Wisconsin voters who don't vote faithfully and had over 20,000 of them to commit to vote in this election.
  • We mailed presidential voter resources to 100,000 voters.
  • We supported our endorsed candidates in the state legislature (and a number of those won last night!) and much more.
You made the difference in our being able to engage in this election in ways we have never before done. No, we didn't get the results we were hoping for at the top of the ballot; but that doesn't mean we've lost it all by any means. It means we continue to stand strong on the pillars of marriage, family, life and religious freedom. We continue to show up, stand up and speak up for our faith, our families, our freedom. This is still America. We still live in Wisconsin. God is still in charge. It's time for HOPE, friends!

With great gratitude,

Julaine K. Appling



Wisconsin Family Action 
PO Box 7486 • Madison, WI 53707
608.268.5074 (Madison) or 866.849.2536 (toll free)[email protected]
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