Hi Friend,
Did you hear the big news from last night? Read one headline: “GOP Women Dominate on Election Day.” 
The GOP gained at least 12 new female Members of Congress, putting them on track to double their representation in Congress.
That’s a big deal, especially in light of a historic number of women running for federal office, and the fact that these were competitive races. Six of these wins by GOP women were flipped from Democrats.
But you likely won’t find these conservative women glossing the covers of magazines, getting shout-outs from Hollywood, or getting any sort of recognition from the mainstream media.
If there’s anything this election has taught us, it’s that we need to Champion Women, especially those women who dare to think and speak for themselves or hold conservative beliefs.
Champion Women
We not only need to Champion Women, we also need to champion diversity of thought, respect differences of opinion, and protect freedom of speech.
We’ve had a taxing election cycle with so much toxicity and division, chaos and anger. This hyper-polarized and politicized environment has gotten to the point where we can’t even have civil discussions with friends, family, neighbors, and colleges. 
It has to end. But that begins here, with us. And we invite you to join us as we Champion Women.
Champion Women
If you want to support our efforts to pursue and advance policies that leave ALL of us better off, then join us.
If you want us to carry the torch for civility, respect, and fairness in all discourse, then join us
If you want to combat the cancel culture, groupthink mentality, progressive privilege, and double standards in representation and coverage, then join us
If you want to champion, celebrate, and hear ALL women, then join us
If you want a life of greater freedom, opportunities, and choices, then join us
This is what we are here for. And we are here for you.
Thank you for standing with us and doing your part to keep our country moving forward. 
Heather R. Higgins