Raises for 2.5 million Florida workers and record turnout.
Fight for $15


WE DID IT. Florida voted to raise the minimum wage to $15/hr!

This is the direct result of hard work by the working people that power the Fight for $15. It's what happens when we go on strike, organize, and VOTE like our lives depend on it. It's proof that our work and our votes are essential.

We did this, together. Celebrate with me by sharing this post on Facebook >>

Florida voters pass $15/hr minimum wage.

It’s our votes as essential workers that will decide this election and change this country. We fight for good jobs so we can support our families, a real response to the pandemic with healthcare for all, and racial justice rooted in our communities.

We knew that it would take some time to count every ballot and have election results, and we're confident that just as we put Florida on a path to $15, our candidates will win across the country when every vote is counted.

I'm incredibly proud of what we've built in Florida and the power of our movement which has won raises for tens of millions of workers – but this is just the start. Thank you for all your support and your patience as we wait to see the results of our hard work in these elections.

This is our fight to win!

In solidarity,

Cris Cardona
McDonald's Worker
Orlando, Florida
Fight for $15 and a Union

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