![]() Dear Patriot, This is shaping up to be the most contested election in modern history. In fact, you can probably flip a coin on the presidential race and make just as accurate of a guess as any pundit or pollster. No matter who comes out on top in the elections, we’re in for some very critical fights for liberty, starting immediately. You see, the enemies of liberty do not rest. And neither will we. 2020 has been a very dangerous year for liberty. 2021 promises more of the same. Expect more oppressive mandates for airline travelers, restaurants with dine-in service, schools, and retail outlets -- all in the name of “slowing the spread.” But that’s just the beginning. And it doesn’t depend on election results. The upcoming “lame duck session” starts on November 16th and could be used to ram through more coronavirus bailouts and legislation that’s really damaging to medical freedom. I am sensing very dangerous times ahead. Contact tracing, testing, and tracking through H.R. 666(6) H.R. 6666 creates a Stasi-style police force with power to enter your home to “conduct testing,” “contact tracing” and “related activities,” and for “other purposes” to separate those who test positive (or refuse to comply) from loved ones! I am depending on your help to fight back NOW. Can I count on a generous donation of $33, $66, or even $99 to keep us fighting on the front lines of this corona-tyranny? These ideas are so bad that the only shot they have is to make the technology mandatory. There’s big money in all this hysteria. Forced vaccinations Several state governments are already throwing around the idea of making this unproven vaccine -- still in the trial stages and facing many serious setbacks -- mandatory to be able to have access to basic services like public schools. Even President Trump, who has said any vaccine should be a matter of choice, has frequently mentioned that the “military” will be in charge of distributing the coronavirus vaccine. That hardly gives the impression that it will be anything but mandatory. The failures and major side effects and now even deaths reported in coronavirus vaccine trials are downright scary. Recently, a 28-year-old doctor in Brazil sadly died during one coronavirus vaccine trial, in which he was a participant. Several large pharmaceutical companies slammed the brakes on their trials due to problems. Many trial participants are also becoming very ill from the vaccine testing. One trial was recently halted when someone had to be hospitalized after developing transverse myelitis, a serious illness that landed her in the hospital. They’re skipping critical safety steps with the coronavirus vaccine and are rushing it at light speed. This is hardly a path to something that will be considered safe for the general public. A forced vaccination may seem like a far-fetched idea that won’t pan out on the national level. But Maine, California, and Virginia -- and surely more states will follow soon -- have announced coming mandates on various vaccines in order to work or go to school, so this is a fight on multiple fronts. Please consider a rushed contribution of $33, $66, or even $99 to give us the resources to stop the forced vaccination schemes before they start. Forced masking and the damage to society We’ve been told masks don’t work and then told we absolutely MUST wear them. Masks are credited with “reducing the spread,” but then when the “case count” goes back up, it must be because we’re not masking our faces enough. We were told to comply for a few weeks to “flatten the curve.” That was over 6 months ago. I think the public has had just about enough of this Mask-erade, but the politicians continue to insist we wear them more and more with absolutely no proof that they have ever worked to stop a virus from spreading. Children are forced to wear masks over their mouth and nose just to be able to attend school, even if it’s not healthy for them despite evidence from around the globe proving they’re not at risk. Patriot, this just isn’t safe or right!! ![]() Will health freedom be destroyed? There’s no doubt about it, 2020 has been a bad year for personal liberty, especially in the area of health freedom and it promises to get worse, no matter who finally comes out on top in the presidential election. Congress will have all kinds of schemes related to health that they’ll try to sell the public, including a national medical ID. . . Not to mention the massive bailouts they’ve had to stall on temporarily, but you can bet they’ll be going for trillions more. ![]() Fortunately, I don’t think the public at large is buying the schemes and most are proving to be abject failures right out of the gate. We’ve been watching the election returns very closely and as these contested races are finally decided, we’ll make quick adjustments and fight on every front. 2021 promises to be a very pivotal year for liberty. With your help, we can push it down the right path. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. No matter the results of the elections across the U.S., Campaign for Liberty will not rest and will be hunting down bad bills and mandates coming from state governments, city halls, and of course, Congress, as this march toward medical tyranny continues. Please consider a donation of $33, $66, or even $99 to keep us fighting on the front lines of this corona-tyranny! |