
In this all important election for our state and our nation, I am so grateful and excited to say we won our re-election campaign for the U.S. Senate yesterday.

New Jersey, I'm once again humbled by the faith you've placed in me. Thank you for standing with me and allowing me the honor of representing my home state in Washington.

Yesterday’s election was nothing short of historic, with the highest national voter turnout we’ve seen since the early 1900s, despite the fact that we’re dealing with a pandemic. A record number of voters decided to rise up and participate in our democracy, and that fills me with hope for the future.

While votes continue to be tabulated in the presidential race and other races across the country, it’s important we be patient.

Donald Trump’s premature claims of victory when millions of votes still need to be counted are not normal and must be condemned. We’re not a dictatorship, and Trump can’t steal this election.

In a democracy, every vote must be counted and that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

That’s why I know that at the end of the day, when all votes are counted, it will become apparent that America chose to redeem the soul of our country yesterday.

With each passing hour, it is looking more likely that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will officially become our next President and Vice President of the United States.

That’s why today, I implore you to continue being patient and keep the faith.

We’ve already achieved some major victories in yesterday’s election, and I look forward to continuing to fight for you and tackle the issues most dire to us — affordable health care, racial justice, climate change, equal economic opportunity, pandemic relief — in the U.S. Senate.

Thanks again for placing your faith in me and sending me back to our nation’s capital.

Our work is far from finished.

— Cory