

2020 has been an excruciating year for many of us with the pandemic and its impact on our lives, jobs, and incomes. Tomorrow's swearing-in of the new Labour-Green Government is yet another blow for those who worry about the debt we will be leaving our kids.

I would be lying if I told you I wasn't worried. With our country teetering on the edge between continued economic decline and eye-watering debt, more could not be at stake.

The only way to stop Grant Robertson's fiscal recklessness and Adrian Orr's irresponsible money printing is a strong Taxpayers' Union that will hold their feet to the fire. 

Let me cut to the chase: I'm writing to ask you to step up your support with a monthly contribution.

Contribute monthly

Your monthly donation will enable the Taxpayers' Union to:

  1. Fight for lower taxes

  2. Reduce government waste

  3. Shine the light of transparency on the new government, its ministers, and the tens of thousands of bureaucrats in Wellington.


$5 monthly

$25 monthly

$75 monthly

$20 monthly

$50 monthly

Another amount

​Over recent days, I've been asked what can be done right now to fight the left-wing media and New Zealand sleepwalking into a fiscal crisis. My answer is to donate for a strong Taxpayers' Union. No organisation has a better track record of success using cutting edge strategies to protect the pockets of hard-working New Zealanders. 

The bottom line is that groups like the Taxpayers' Union are going to be essential in opposing the Government and holding them to account. 

Your monthly donation means more focus on the job at hand and less time worrying about the bills. 

It all comes down to you and people like you stepping up to support the Taxpayers' Union. Will you chip in to help fund the Taxpayers' Union, hold the Labour/Green Government to account, and fight for hard-working New Zealanders?

Thank you for all you do.

— David Farrar
  Treasurer, Taxpayers' Union





New Zealand Taxpayers' Union Inc. · 117 Lambton Quay, Level 4, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
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