ADL will be on the front lines fighting antisemitism and extremism with you
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Dear John,

We have just witnessed one of the most consequential presidential election contests in the history of our nation. The turnout exceeded expectations across the country. And yet, as of this time, the outcome of the U.S. presidential race is still undetermined.

Since our founding more than 100 years ago, ADL has been committed to justice and fair treatment to all which requires that all Americans safely can exercise their constitutional right to vote. As the final votes are tallied, we reiterate our long-standing calls that every vote counts and every vote must be counted.

There is nothing unusual for results to be delayed, as this has happened previously in U.S. history when the winner of an election could not be declared for days or even weeks after the voting. And yet, what happens next will be another important test of our democracy.

Amid all of the uncertainty, we can assure you of one clear thing...

ADL will stand up vigilantly on the front lines against antisemitism and extremism as we have for over 107 years. If extremists try to exploit this moment of national uncertainty to sow discord, to spread words of hate and to act out online and on the ground, we will be there to support you and your community.

This is a vital time to speak out:

  • ADL will monitor, expose and disrupt extremist activity — from QAnon, Proud Boys or other groups that promote antisemitism, xenophobia and racism, or demonize Israel and all Jewish people. In the wake of the 2016 election, there were a number of alarming extremist incidents. Right or left, we are all part of the same country, and we need a zero-tolerance policy on intolerance.
  • ADL will track online hate, which we already saw surging pre-election. Through Stop Hate for Profit and other efforts, we’ll keep the heat on social media companies to enhance their content moderation capabilities and provide insights and a sense of community, not misinformation.
  • ADL will use our 25 Regional Offices across the country to work with governments, with law enforcement, with schools and other civic institutions to address incidents that threaten our goal of being a just and inclusive society.
  • ADL will call on our elected officials, whether they are new to office or reelected, to fight vigorously against both COVID-19 and the harmful conspiracy theories targeting the Asian American community, Jewish community and other minority groups.
  • ADL will speak out about our nation’s long-overdue reckoning over systemic racism, and the basic moral truth that we need to achieve racial justice in this country. This is a call that must be answered — not just with words, but with actions toward change.

Looking Ahead

We have heard from so many people in the ADL community who are concerned about how the election uncertainty will affect ADL’s fight against hate. I will be hosting a webinar tomorrow, Thursday, at 2 PM ET so you can hear directly from our experts about election-season incidents, and how we are preparing in case there is extremist activity in these days of heightened tension across our nation. Tomorrow morning, we’ll send full details on how to join us for this urgent update.

In the meantime, please remain informed, strong and safe. This is a harrowing time and taking the principled path in both words and deeds will win the day.

With strength,
JG signature
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. Your Role Has Never Been More Pivotal Than Now! As a member of the ADL community, you can be a voice of solidarity and compassion over division and hate, and you can fight misinformation with the latest information.

Just five days after Election Day, ADL hosts the opening session of Never Is Now, the world’s largest Summit on antisemitism and hate. This year the event is free and online, running from Nov. 8-19 so you can hear from world leaders about the state of hate in our country and gain insights into the potential implications of the election on the fight against extremism.

Please register now to be a part of this timely summit, so that we can stand united in this time of urgency against antisemitism, against hate, against division.