I can’t thank you enough.

Stephen Daniel for Congress 2020


Unfortunately, we did not get the result we wanted last night. Even though it wasn’t quite enough this time, we could never have come so far without our amazing supporters and volunteers who pushed until the end.

It has been such a privilege to meet voters across TX-06, hear what issues matter most to you, and build this movement together. To each and every one of you who made phone calls, shared our posts on social media, donated, and cheered us on — thank you. None of this would have been possible without you.

This campaign was about representing Texas values and working with anyone who has good ideas to deliver results to Texas, regardless of party lines. That fight doesn’t end today.

I wish Congressman Wright all the best and as always, my prayers are with him and his family for a safe and healthy recovery.

With gratitude,

Stephen Daniel


Stephen Daniel is the Democratic Nominee for Congress in TX-06 to unseat Ron Wright. Stephen understands we deserve a leader in Congress who shares that vision: a community where opportunity is available for young and old and where hard work is rewarded.