I’m humbled that the people of Georgia’s Sixth District have put their faith in me to continue serving our community.

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Thank you, John. I’m humbled that the people of Georgia’s Sixth District have put their faith in me to continue serving our community.

This victory is shared by every member of our movement.

Years ago, as I was working as a flight attendant for Delta Airlines, my goals were like anyone else’s in America: to be a good mother, teach my son to be a compassionate man of God, and to perhaps babysit future grandchildren.

Member of Congress was never in the cards.

But those dreams ended, on Black Friday in 2012, when my son Jordan Davis was shot and killed while sitting in the back seat of a friend’s car at a gas station. My life was turned upside down.

Overnight, I went from a regular suburban mom to a mother on a mission. Since then I have dedicated my life to helping our families.

Every single day, I thank God for allowing me to do this work serving our neighbors in Georgia’s Sixth. Because as those in Washington work to divide us and tear our communities apart, it is necessary more than ever to have strong leaders fighting to bring us together.

We have proven that, when we send a mom on a mission to Washington, we get results.

I’ve fought for my neighbor Willie — who proudly served his country on two tours in Vietnam which led him to become all too familiar with the problems veterans face when they return home. I sponsored legislation in the House, got it through the Senate, and got it signed into law by the president to protect veterans in this country. And I’ve fought hard to help get the Atlanta VA Hospital the resources they need to better serve the men and women who bravely served our country.

I’ve fought for the countless Georgians who come up to me to tell me that they have a pre-existing condition, and they’re worried about whether they will be able to find health insurance they can afford. People like me, cancer survivors, who are worried they will be penalized for the rest of their lives for having a pre-existing condition.

And yes — I’ve fought for the countless American families just like mine who have been torn apart by gun violence. For Jeff and Margaret Binkley, the Dunwoody parents who this Monday mourned the two-year mark since losing their beautiful daughter Maura in a shooting. We passed the first significant gun safety legislation through the House in decades.

These stories are why I fight so hard in Washington.

So to all families in my district, and throughout this state, who are worried their health care costs are bankrupting their family — I promise to fight for you in Washington.

To all the families just like mine, who have been torn apart from gun violence — I promise to fight for you in Washington.

To all of our veterans who bravely sacrificed to keep our families safe, but are too often faced with hardship returning home — I will fight for you in Washington.

It is my absolute honor to return to Washington to continue fighting for our families.

I promise — I will never stop fighting for you.

Thank you, and God bless.

- Lucy


Paid for by Friends of Lucy McBath

Friends of Lucy McBath
885 Woodstock Rd Suite 430-528
Roswell, GA 30075
United States

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