On Election Night 2018, NBC's Chuck Todd and CNN's Jake Tapper both declared it "is not a blue wave." It was a blue wave...after we counted all the votes.

Joe Biden was just declared the winner of Wisconsin. He's still ahead in Arizona. He'll likely be ahead in Michigan soon, and that's enough to win. (Pennsylvania would be a bonus.)

If you want to "do something" today, the steps are honestly quite clear.

We are part of the Protect The Results coalition that's putting on 500 events this week -- some as soon as today. This is a visible show of support for counting every vote. Find your nearest event and show up if you can. (If you're a vet, click here.)

Why do these events matter? Last night, FOX, Chris Christie, and right-winger Ben Shapiro said Trump was wrong to assert he won. Wrong to say votes should not be counted. We need to keep making it very uncomfortable for anyone to support Trump's desperate last gasp. If these events are huge, we achieve that goal.

But there's another thing you can do -- about the Senate.

Last night, many establishment picks lost what were supposed to be close races. We may still win Maine, and then the entire control of the Senate is decided by a Georgia special election.

Rev. Raphael Warnock got more votes than Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler last night, but not 50%. He will need resources for next month's decisive election. You can donate to him here. Please do.

In many ways, this race could determine the future of American history (and our ability to do key democracy reforms). So we need to be mentally and financially prepared to be all in on Georgia.

That's it. You can also stress and push refresh on election websites today. But the above two steps are the biggest ways to help win back power.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Elections Team (@BoldProgressive)

P.S. Trump's lawyers are already in court, but don't worry. We have been planning for this for months. We're using our grassroots network to help election lawyers find plaintiffs and witnesses to fight back in court -- and are working with others to take to the streets and demand every vote be counted. If you've already done the above two things and want to do more, chip in here for our Election Protection plan, praised by experts.



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