Every vote needs to be counted before the US election result is called

Hi John,

Voting has ended in the United States, however, millions of votes are yet to be counted.

Here's the truth John: what happens in the US affects all of us. So today we're joining forces with groups and millions of people across the world, because each of us has a role to play in defending democratic systems and fighting back against voter suppression.

Prominent politicians across Europe are already calling the election results, showing disregard for the democratic process and the millions of American people whose votes are yet to be counted. [1] Now is the time for the Europe to take a real stand for democracy, and to clearly say - no election winner will be recognised until every vote is counted.

Join this call for Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and other European political leaders, to refuse to recognise the result of the US election until every vote is counted.

We know that silencing citizens and voters can have disastrous consequences for climate. For us to build and strengthen our movement for the climate, we need strong and responsive democracies.

The US plays a pivotal role in the climate problem, and its solution. If millions of voter voices are disregarded in the US - it will have ripple effects around the world for democracies, our hopes for a just recovery, and for the climate movement.

If Europe’s and the world’s governments stand by and refuse to act as votes are being suppressed, it will give legitimacy to the authoritarianism spreading all over the world.

This is why it’s important we demand our European political leaders speak loudly and clearly today, and that’s what we’re calling on them to do.

Call on the political leaders of European democracies to uphold democracy and require every vote be counted before acknowledging a winner in the US presidential election.

In solidarity,

Aggy and the 350.org team



[1] Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša congratulates Donald Trump despite no election result

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