Oh Friends,

I’ll open with some wins- Colorado voters delivered a resounding “GTFOH” to a ballot initiative that would have banned later abortion in their state, and North Carolina reelected their prochoice governor to a second term!

I am gonna ask you to take a self-care break today to just breathe and stay sane (this may or may not include copious quantities of mood enhancers.) Because no matter who wins this election, we’re definitely gonna need you rested up to work with us to protect abortion access.

But alas, if you are like me, you can’t turn away from watching the news. You are reading this, panicked about the big picture, and keep screaming to everyone and no one, “How the hell did we get here?!” (pulls lighter away from hair and takes another shot of Fireball).

Truth is that is a question we will dive into later. For now, it's "Can we pull this out?" (Dunks chocolate covered pretzel into hummus because it’s what’s saving you.)

But LISTEN TO ME! Right now, AAF wants you to feel hopeful and productive NO MATTER HOW THIS SHIT PLAYS OUT. We want you to know we have a roadmap and a five point plan with specific ways you can make a difference right now. Since we can’t make the vote count go any faster or change what is about to happen, WHAT WE CAN DO is show those who will be providing abortion care, and those who will need abortion care, that they have a support system.

Since 2015, AAF has helped clinics and providers stay safe and feel loved. We survived the election of 2016 and doubled our efforts, fighting to make sure people have the power to make choices about their own damn lives. AAF did this with YOUR SUPPORT… and we still need that more than ever.

Here’s our plan to kick ass and support clinics: click here for more info.

Of these 5 actions, none could be easier than donating. Support our work with a few clicks and rest a little easier knowing ONE thing is certain—your AAF friends are going to wake up tomorrow and keep this fight going. Look, abortion remains the holy grail for Republicans because it helps them raise the dough. Counter their stupidity with this one action:

The reality is, regardless of the presidential outcome, state legislatures will continue to pass horrible laws and the stacking of conservative judges in our federal courts system could uphold them. That means ALL OF US need to commit to help provide comfort and support for abortion providers while fighting the legislative battles sure to come. We can multitask, it’s our superpower. 

It’s crucial that as we reflect on this election, we fully understand that moving forward my work is your work is OUR WORK, because success in protecting fundamental reproductive decisions means we have to be “all in”. Joining AAF is fun, rewarding and connects you to great people and right now we need all the love and support we can get.

However you choose to show up for abortion access, know that you are part of Team AAF. We are forever grateful that you stand with us.

For your daily dose of AAF, follow us!

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