
I am honored to have earned another term to represent the North Shore and Merrimack Valley in Congress.

As Congress continues to confront a deadly pandemic and repair the damage done in four years of assault by the President on our fundamental American values, the work ahead could not be more important.

This moment demands a Congress with moral courage to stand on principle, the empathy to listen and compromise, and a bias towards action. We must fight this pandemic with all that we have and bring lasting reform to government, ensuring that those who represent the American people are motivated not by profit, popularity, or power, but by service.

America has faced greater challenges than we do now, and I am confident that our faith in democracy will allow us to unite and move past this divisive, vitriolic moment.

Democrats will do the hard work of uniting this country. We can do it by leading with principle and conviction, and with genuine charity for all, not just those we perceive to be on our side.

I am looking forward to restoring a government that truly works in the best interest of all Americans.

Thank you for all your support,

Congressman Seth Moulton