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News from BPC’s Health Program
In this edition, we highlight upcoming events that focus on the impact of the 2020 election on our nation's health care and the future of telehealth in rural areas. We also feature a new blog that examines what could happen to people's health insurance if SCOTUS overturns the ACA. For more information on BPC’s Health Program, visit our website or contact us at [email protected]. [email protected].
Upcoming Events: 
Friday, November 13
12:00 – 1:15 PM E.T. 

Join us on November 13 for a discussion with Sen. Angus King (I-ME), Maine health care providers, and BPC experts on the benefits of telehealth during the pandemic and what things look like for the future of telehealth in Maine and throughout the country. In response to COVID-19, the United States has seen a dramatic expansion in the use of telehealth services—including in Maine—but the legislative and regulatory changes that made this possible are not permanent.
Register here.


Monday, November 16
12:00 – 1:15 PM E.T. 

The coronavirus pandemic has not only thrown the future of health care reform into question but shifted policymakers’ priorities. As the election takes center stage, Americans want to know what issues will take precedence for the White House and the new Congress. Join us on Monday, November 16 to learn what leading pollsters and policy experts are hearing on the future of health care from the Hill, White House, and American public.
Register here.


New Content from BPC:

In this blog, BPC Research Analyst, Eleni Salyers, discusses the upcoming Supreme Court case on November 10 that calls into question the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, and those it could impact if it is overturned.


BPC has reconvened its Future of Health Care initiative to not only offer actions to improve the resilience of America’s health care system, but more urgently, address the threat of the coronavirus and the nation’s response. The work of this new group will build on the initiative’s February 2020 Report, Bipartisan Rx for America’s Health Care.


BPC In the News:






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