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This week on social media, we discuss how to quiet kids’ election fears by focusing on the excitement and hope that elections bring, and we released our 2020 Children's Mental Health Report: Telehealth in an Increasingly Virtual World. Follow us for more essential information and guidance about children's mental health and learning disorders.

Here are some highlights from the past week:


We launched our 2020 Children's Mental Health Report, which provides a comprehensive look at the research on telehealth for children’s mental health and gives families practical information about its benefits and drawbacks.


We explained why the US election is a great opportunity for parents to reinforce democratic values like hope and action over fear, anger and pessimism.


We explained how partly due to a shortage of mental health providers, children sometimes wait up to a decade between the onset of mental health symptoms and the start of treatment.


Dr. Andrea Pascarelli joined CBS NY to provide expert guidance on helping kids cope with the pandemic and how parents can talk to kids about politics.
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