Team —
Brett Kavanaugh doesn’t belong on the Supreme Court.
Over the weekend, news broke that further corroborated Deborah Ramirez’s sexual assault accusation against Kavanaugh and uncovered evidence that he similarly harassed another Yale classmate. Today, on the one-year anniversary of Christine Blasey Ford bravely coming forward with her own story of being sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh, it’s never been clearer — Brett Kavanaugh has a history of repeated sexual assault, he lied about it to Congress while under oath, and he must be impeached.
Add your name and demand that the House of Representatives begin a full impeachment investigation now.
Congress has removed federal judges from office before, and several high-profile Democrats, including Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, agree that there is sufficient evidence and that the House should begin impeachment investigations. We know that the FBI did not fully investigate these credible accusations during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing — the House must examine why the FBI investigation was a sham and give the American people the answers we deserve.
The first step to removing Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court is for the House to open impeachment investigations. Tell your representative that you deserve answers and demand that they do their constitutional duty by beginning an impeachment investigation.
Together, we can take back the courts.
Demand Justice
Donald Trump is openly taking over our courts, and if we let him succeed, his nominees will keep his hateful vision alive on the federal bench for decades. Join Demand Justice and take a stand to protect our nation's courts.
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