President Trump’s preemptive declaration of victory and calls to stop the vote count due to “voter fraud” (which has been proven to not exist!) is a clear attempt to ignore the voters and steal the election.
With millions of votes – both Republican and Democrat – still uncounted, the winner of the presidential election is still unknown.
Any attempt to stop the vote count is a serious threat to our democracy. Will you call your state lawmakers right now, and demand that every vote be counted?
Counting votes is the foundation of our democracy, and it’s imperative that our elections officials continue to do so. Democracy means the votes decide the outcome of the election, and we must keep counting – because every vote matters when it comes to deciding our next president.
We must let election officials – not the courts – continue to do their jobs and determine the rightful winner of the presidential election. Every ballot must be validated and counted.
Any action to stop the vote count would start with state lawmakers ordering election officials to leave votes uncounted.
There’s no time to waste. Leave a voicemail for your state lawmaker right now and demand that every vote be counted.
We’ll be continuing to monitor the situation – so we can be ready to take action, together, to protect our democracy.
Thank you for doing whatever you can to protect our democracy in this critical moment.
More to come,
Josh Silver Director RepresentUs