Flip the Senate is working tirelessly every day to help Democrats have what they need to win in November 2020 and take back the Senate from Mitch McConnell. We need your help now if we want to have a fighting chance next year.

Will you rush a donation of $25 or more to fuel our work to Flip the Senate?

John, let’s flash back to September 2018. Donald Trump has nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and Senate confirmation hearings on Kavanaugh have begun. 

Here’s what we knew at that point:

  • Documents related to Brett Kavanaugh’s time in the White House — speaking to his views on torture, racial profiling, and other important issues — were never released to the public, and those that were released were vetted by a close friend of Kavanaugh himself.
  • $200,000 of Brett Kavanaugh’s debt mysteriously disappeared without any indication as to who paid it off. To this day, none of his financial disclosures explain where the money to pay this debt came from. For his part, Kavanaugh has provided no clear answers for this discrepancy.
  • There were at least two credible accusations of sexual assault from two separate women against Brett Kavanaugh. Both claims were corroborated. Investigations into both claims were halted by Senate Republicans and the White House at the time. 

You’d think this would give the GOP pause and forced them to take a closer look at their nominee for a lifetime position on the highest court in our country. But Senate Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell, bulldozed the confirmation process and made sure he was confirmed in the second-closest vote to confirm a justice — ever

Just 51.02% of the Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh last year, John. 

The only way to make sure this never happens again is by taking back the Senate from Mitch McConnell next November. It’s going to take every single one of us stepping up to make it happen, and if we want to win we have to fight hard starting now. 

So we’re asking: will you chip in $25 or whatever you can today to fuel our work to Flip the Senate? Incredible candidates like Sara Gideon in Maine, Mark Kelly in Arizona, Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, Ben Ray Lujan in New Mexico, and Jaime Harrison in South Carolina need our help today. 

Mitch McConnell has been busy packing the federal courts with far-right extremists. But that wasn’t enough for him, and he used everything in his bag of tricks to make sure he shifted the ideology of the Supreme Court for decades.

If we want to restore the integrity of our judicial system, we have to Flip the Senate. It’s as simple and straightforward as that, John.

Please consider rushing a donation of $25 or more today to fuel our work to Flip the Senate.


Thanks for all you do to fight for the heart and soul of our country.

— Flip the Senate