The day has finally come. It's possible we may not know the final
results for some time, which is worrying considering the escalating
rhetoric about this election’s legitimacy. But we can make
preparations ahead of a potential power-grab.
If a presidential candidate declares victory or falsely raises doubts
about the legitimacy of this election, 350 Mass and groups across the
country will defend our democracy. If needed, we stand ready
to join mass protests tomorrow. 350 Mass members will meet at
the ducklings statues in the Boston Commons at 3 pm for a quick safety
training. Tensions are running high, and confrontation at these
protests is not unlikely. More info on protest safety practices is
available below. You can RSVP to tomorrow's rally here.
Climate change is a symptom of a broken democracy. If you are not one
of the ~2/3rds of Massachusettsans who voted early, don’t
forget to vote today!
Be brave. Be safe. We're with you.
Sam Payne
Digital Organizer & Communications Specialist
How to Stay Safe and Healthy During Protests
Should you
find yourself protesting during the coming days, make sure
you're prepared. Grab a buddy, bring water, wear comfortable
and protective gear, and know what to do if you encounter a
potentially hazardous situation. See this document to find out what to expect and how
to get ready, and browse this presentation for more tips on staying
Other 350 Mass News
#YESonRenewables and #YESonTransparency: We
teamed up with Act On Mass to bring two important questions to the
ballot, read Craig Altemose's article in Commonwealth Magazine
here. You can watch our video webinar with ballot question experts here.
Keep Emergency Paid Sick Time Moving: The 350 Mass
Solidarity Working Group is taking on Raise Up Mass' Emergency Paid Sick Time campaign. The
EPST legislation is currently with the Ways and Means Committee, so
now is the time to push to make sure that it's favorably voted out
before the end of the session. If your node is interested in an
in-district meeting with your legislator, writing a letter to the
editor, or supporting the campaign in other ways, contact [email protected] or [email protected].
Key Climate Legislation is Stalling in Committee: Click here for background and for model scripts you
can use for calling or emailing your Rep and Senator about the pending climate
Write a Letter to the Editor: There's never been a
better time to take part in 350 Mass' Letters to the Editor (LTE)
team. Want to join? Email Alan Palm, Director of Organizing, at [email protected]
to find out more. Our members have a great success rate in getting
letters published! Read some of them here:
Other Climate Movement News
the Springfield Biomass-burning Facility: Mothers Out Front
is outraged at the environmental injustice of a proposed
biomass-burning facility in Springfield, the "asthma capital of the
United States". As reported in the Boston Globe, the East Springfield
community has been fighting this plant for over 10 years. You can
support them by writing a short personal note (email and/or tweet) to
your state Rep and Senator.
Solidarity Opportunities
Celebrate the Student Immigrant Movement's Quinceañera
of Rebellion: The Student Immigrant Movement (SIM) was
created 15 years ago by undocumented youth in the basement of an East
Boston High School. For 15 years it has mobilized and strategized to
support undocumented young people, providing youth with a refuge and
community. You can support SIM by attending an online fundraising
event that celebrating these accomplishments. Learn more and register here. Fri, Nov 6, 6-7:30
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About Better
Future Project and 350 Mass