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Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A Message from..
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars & Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,

This is it... Election Day. The day that we have worked so hard for over the last year and a half.

It was only due to your support that we were able to launch our ads in August of 2019 in key states focusing on telling the truth to minorities and expanding over the months into more states and communities in efforts to syphon their vote from the Democrats and over to President Trump.

Your support also enabled us to place an "Open Letter to Joe Biden" in the Harrisburg, PA - The Patriot News - which ran this past Thursday and Sunday.

As you know, Pennsylvania is key to winning, and at this point, it's truly neck and neck. Hopefully the "Open Letter" will help swing it to President Trump.

So, while we are waiting for the results, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for fighting alongside me for the future of our country.

We've done all we can, now it's up to the voters and frankly, it's in God's hands. Let's keep those prayers going until the outcome is official.

I'll be reaching out to you as the results become more evident. Thank you so much!

John Philip Sousa IVFor America,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC