4 years of photos: Everywhere
we’ve seen injustice, we’ve risen up to fight it.
Friend, in 2016, Bend the Arc and
45,000 of you made a promise. Here's how we've kept it,
The day after Trump was elected four years ago, we posted an open
letter from Jewish Americans promising to rise up in solidarity with
everyone threatened by white nationalism — over 45,000 of you made
that commitment.
We’ve worked every day since to live out our Jewish values of
justice and keep this promise to our neighbors: "We are with
You’ve grown our movement from six chapters four years ago
to nearly 30 Bend the Arc local groups all across the country — from
South Florida to Seattle.

We’ve risen up in the streets and online, where
over 300,000 people have signed Bend the Arc
petitions and online actions since the last election.
Together, we fought every instance of the Muslim

We demanded freedom and safety for immigrants, rising up
with Dreamers and children separated from their families, from
spontaneous protests at airport terminals to historic civil
disobedience in our nation’s capital.

We helped get Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka fired from
the White House! (And we really tried with Stephen

After the worst antisemitic massacre in our country’s
history, we told Trump he was not welcome in Pittsburgh, or anywhere,
until he rejected white nationalism.

We helped elect the most diverse Congress
in US history in 2018, flipping the House and winning a critical check
on the administration’s bigotry and authoritarianism.

We said voting rights are human

We fought for healthcare.

We organized to transform our criminal justice

We joined the uprising for Black lives.

We showed up for our partners.

And our partners showed up for us.

And we did this work proudly as Jewish

For the last 4 years, we’ve fought for our values on the local,
state, and national level. We’ve organized our communities, held
elected officials accountable, and won critical victories with
partners. We’ve showed up in the streets and on Zoom.
Everywhere we’ve seen injustice, we’ve risen up to fight
No matter what happens after voting ends tonight, we’re in this
together. Because, regardless of the outcome of the election,
we must be ready to lead a grassroots Jewish movement
alongside our partners to build a multiracial democracy where
everyone is safe and free — no exceptions.
As Senator Bernie Sanders shared at our National Solidarity
Gathering last week, two years after the shooting at the Tree of Life
“We have a tradition that points the way
forward. I am a proud member of the tradition of Jewish social
justice. And I am so inspired when I see so many Jewish people picking
up this banner.”
We are honored to pick up the banner with you, every day, for the
past four years, and for many to come. We were made for this
In solidarity,
Bend the Arc
