Greetings friend,
It is with great excitement that we share with you the official territorial vision statement for The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda:
We are an innovative partner, mobilized to share hope wherever there is hardship, building communities that are just and know the love of Jesus.
It is not lost on me that there is, perhaps, no better time than now to intentionally consider how our Army will innovate, partner and share hope. The COVID-19 crisis has forced us to adapt and creatively consider how we will meet mission in a pandemic reality. Our vision will clarify where we are going and, as a people of faith, we know that God will honour our efforts and guide us in the right direction.
We are reminded of this promise in Ezekiel “…breath entered them, and they came to life and stood on their feet—a vast army” (Ezekiel 37:10). It is our prayer that everyone who belongs to our movement would feel encouraged by this vision, challenged by its commitments, and inspired for mission.
We want to thank the thousands of volunteers, employees, officers, soldiers, and stakeholders whose collective voices informed our vision. God inspired these words and you helped bring them to life. For more information and to hear from individuals involved in the vision development process, we encourage you to read the November issue of Salvationist magazine.
We look forward to engaging with you in the new year, hearing where you see yourself and your ministry in our vision, and witnessing how it will inform ministry in the Canada and Bermuda territory for years to come.
Floyd & Tracey Tidd, Commissioners
Territorial Leaders, Canada and Bermuda