Dear John, This isn’t just another election. Our very democracy is at stake.

Taking Back Democracy 

Dear John,

This isn’t just another election. Our very democracy is at stake.

As an organization that has trained thousands over the decades, we know that many of our former participants and partners are on the frontlines doing important work to get voters to the polls. We want to thank them, and remind all that there will be life after this election. Remember to breathe.

We are facing at least three major crises as a country, and our leaders are not taking them seriously. We are living through a pandemic in a country with an unacceptably — and unnecessarily — high death toll, and millions now without work. A powerful few seek to distract from systemic racial inequality, by blaming individuals and pitting us against each other. And even before the pandemic struck, we were facing a crisis of growing economic inequality. While working people are struggling to make ends meet, the greedy few are getting richer, and this trend has only accelerated during the pandemic.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We are at one of the most crucial points in the last century. You have the opportunity to make a difference with this election. BE A VOTER to make your voice heard and demand a better future for yourself and your community. And if you’ve already cast your vote, please make 3 phone calls to friends in battleground states to make sure they vote!

“A democracy cannot thrive where power remains unchecked and justice is reserved for a select few. Ignoring these cries and failing to respond to this movement is simply not an option; for peace cannot exist where justice is not served."
—John Lewis, Former U.S. Representative

We still don’t know how this election will play out. But we do know that your vote matters. 

No matter the results, United for a Fair Economy’s movement building work will continue to be more important than ever. Our next job will be to hold leaders and legislators accountable. No single leader or policy can fix all of the structural racism, sexism, transphobia, and other barriers to economic equality in the US. It is therefore up to us to continue to mobilize and come together to build an economy that works for everyone. We will keep working until everyone — Black, white and brown, native and newcomer — can share in dignity and prosperity. We know that popular education will play a pivotal role in this future work.

“Popular education is an educational approach that collectively and critically examines everyday experiences and raises consciousness for organizing and movement building, acting on injustices with a political vision in the interests of the most marginalized.”
—Paulo Freire, foundational thinker on Popular Education

EVERY VOTE MATTERS, because having more leaders on our side means more victories for economic justice and a better quality of life for everyone (*not just the wealthy few*).

By making false claims that mail-in-ballots are untrustworthy, a powerful few have already laid the groundwork for a potential contested election. These acts intentionally undermine the legitimacy of our democracy, putting the nation in great peril. UFE stands against voter suppression, election tampering, white supremacy and all other attempts to undermine our democracy. We also urge patience, demand every vote be counted, and recognize that this is not a normal election year, and the results may take more time to come in.

If you haven’t cast your ballot yet, please be safe at the polls this year. If you are voting today, don't leave the polls without casting your vote! Keep ***distanced*** and stay in line!

Here are some ways to take action:

  • Check in with at least 3 of your friends and family and make sure they have voted or plan to vote today.
  • Partner with organizations on the front line. The Frontline, led by Movement for Black Lives and the Working Family Party, is a great place to get plugged in.
  • Register for our upcoming UFE post-election webinar.
  • Take the One for Democracy pledge (a call for wealthy members of the community to take action to protect our democracy).

Read more and find additional resources on our BLOG!

We’ll be in touch again soon,
The United for a Fair Economy Team

P.s. If you haven’t yet, please check out our 2020 State of the Dream report, "Building a Fair Economy At the Intersections," which focuses on gender and racial inequality.

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United for a Fair Economy · 184 High St, Suite 603, Boston, MA 02110, United States
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