The polls in Mississippi are still open until 7:00 PM CT, and we need to make sure that everyone knows where and how to vote today. We’re asking for the last time: Will you continue to help us make calls in these last few hours?

Because of the hard work from supporters like you in Mississippi and across the country, we just hit our goal of 100,000 calls. That’s amazing.

We’re so grateful for all of the time, energy, and resources that you gave to our campaign, and it’s allowed us to achieve so much. We went from 25 points behind in the polls to a statistical tie of just a single digit, and today, we’re ready to make history.

The polls in Mississippi are still open until 7:00 PM CT, and we need to make sure that everyone knows where and how to vote today. We’re asking for the last time: Will you continue to help make calls in these last few hours? Every call could be the one that decides this election.


This Election Day, we need to leave it all on the field. Even a few minutes of calls during lunch or between meetings could make all the difference. There is literally no time to waste. Will you make calls and help finish strong?


Thanks for all that you do. When we make history tonight, it will be because of the work of supporters like you across the country. Thank you.

– Team Espy