Watch the woman who doesn't take no for an answer
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Why Won't Ilhan Omar Talk to Me? Muslim Journalist Dalia Al-Aqidi ([link removed]) Watch the woman who doesn't take no for an answer Watch and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Hate Preacher Farrakhan to Speak at 'Love' Church ([link removed]) Why is this man being given a platform? Read ([link removed])
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FIFA: Did a Woman Have to Die Before You Stepped In? ([link removed]) The association needs to enforce its own rules in Iran Read ([link removed])
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Linda Sarsour Is Now Bernie Sander's Campaign Surrogate ([link removed]) Islamist, sharia-apologist and BDS supporter Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Ilhan Omar Challenged in Minnesota by Muslim Reformers ([link removed])
- R.R.
America’s Afghan Partners: Child Molesters and Jihadis ([link removed])
“This is so evil.”
- L.A.
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