Friend --
It’s Election Day!
Vote Green. Vote to save the Green
Party - and Democracy - in New York.
We need 200,000 votes for Howie
Hawkins - the original Green New Dealer - and Angela Walker in order
to remain a ballot-status party in New York.
Your vote means much more than
that, though.
It means you support
Medicare-for-All, a real Ecosocialist Green New Deal, and real
electoral and campaign finance reform.
It means you support immediate
action to help the people and families suffering from the inequality
and injustices caused by capitalism.
So please vote - and vote Green.
While you’re doing it make sure to tag us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
No matter what, we’re going to keep
fighting for grassroots democracy, economic and social justice, and
ecological wisdom, and we know you will too.
Here are other ways you can help,
Green Party of New York