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Dear Subscriber, 

Election Day clearly accentuates the value of local, independent journalism like ours. Today you will choose the future of our democracy, and you have relied on our reporting to make the decision on who to vote for. 

You know how valuable our investigative and explanatory journalism has been to keep you informed throughout the 2020 presidential campaigns. Just to give you a few examples: 
  • We launched our special series and newsletter - CityVote 2020 - early September and we have published dozens of pieces about the Presidential and Mayoral elections. 
  • We have partnered with Gotham Gazette, Gothamist and WNYC on a voter's guide. 
  • We created citizen toolkits with calendars for when and how to register to vote, listing many other resources for voters. 
  • We published a unique guide to NYC's 2020 judicial ballot. 
  • We have published investigations, analysis and op-eds about campaign donations, early voting, and many other in-depth policy pieces on topics including homelessness, public education, global warming and more. 
  • We aggregated other 2020 elections coverage from ethnic newspapers across the city through our project, Voices of New York, published dozens of election articles in Spanish, and created many political segments on our podcasts, Max & Murphy, and El Diario Sin Limites, our Spanish podcast in collaboration with El Diario. 
  • We hosted a townhall panel event on Oct. 22nd with housing experts discussing the housing policies of both presidential candidates, and we plan to host another panel event on Nov. 19th on the 2021 Mayoral elections. 
We depend on our readers to continue this critical work. YOU keep us going. You have the opportunity to double your impact now through NewsMatch. If you set up a new monthly donation today, NewsMatch will generously match your donation 12x or double your one-time gift up to $5,000. 
Support our nonprofit public-service journalism that has kept New Yorkers informed for almost 45 years. Invest in journalism done for the people, with the people.  
Yes, I'll invest in City Limits!
With gratitude, 

Jarrett Murphy
Executive Editor 
City Limits 

P.S. Please help us spread the word! Forward this email to friends and colleagues who you think would be interested in helping support our independent journalism. 
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