Friend, I’m sending this Election Day email to make sure you see all of the tools and resources that Common Cause is making available to voters this year -- scroll down if you want to get straight to them.
But first, I want to take a moment to reflect on what it means to have free and fair elections today.
Democracy means that we, the voters, get to decide what path our nation will take forward. Our democracy has left too many of us out throughout history -- and it still does today. But the principle that we deserve to choose our own leaders is one that we must keep fighting to achieve.
Here are two things that give me hope: first, this election is on track for record turnout -- with millions of voters having already cast their ballot, shattering previous early voting and vote-by-mail records.
That’s right: despite the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic -- and some politicians’ egregious attempts to put barriers in front of voters -- we’re turning out in droves. We’re making ourselves heard, making a difference, and making history.
And second, thousands of Common Cause members like you have stepped up to serve our democracy -- by volunteering with our nonpartisan Election Protection team, signing up as a poll worker, or urging your friends, family, and neighbors to vote.
Friend, if you’re an eligible voter who hasn’t voted yet -- casting your ballot today is the most important thing you can do for our democracy. Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re headed to the polls:
1) Call 866-OUR-VOTE if you have any trouble voting today or if there’s a problem at your polling place. Trained nonpartisan volunteers are standing by all day and all night -- and hotline options for non-English speakers are available, too:
- Spanish: 888-VE-Y-VOTA
- Arabic: 844-YALLA-US
- Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, & Tagalog: 888-API-VOTE
Also, keep an eye out for nonpartisan Election Protection poll monitors, who will be stationed at polling places across the country today. They’re there to help you and voters like you with any questions you might have about the voting process.
Learn more and share this information with your friends and family at >>
2) If it is suggested that you use a provisional ballot, remember that it is far better to try to fix the issue if possible. And ALWAYS call 866-OUR-VOTE before voting provisionally -- just to double-check whether a provisional ballot is your only option.
3) Before you head out, use our Voting Toolkit to double-check your registration status and your polling place. Due to the pandemic, your polling place may not be the same as it was the last time you voted!
Visit now to make sure you’re all set to vote today >>
4) Over 200 candidates for Congress have gone on the record about how they’ll defend and improve our democracy if elected -- after voters like you demanded it. Make sure you know who’ll make democracy reform a top priority!
Check out the candidates running to represent you at >>
5) Don’t forget about ballot questions! You may be voting on an important local or statewide democracy issue today -- and we want to make sure you have all the facts.
See which ballot questions Common Cause supports by visiting>>
6) Once you've voted (or if you already have!), you can also help by sharing your story and letting us know how it went.
Tell us your about your experience voting this year here >>
And Friend, even if you’ve already voted, you can still do your part for our democracy today. If you spot any misleading or deceptive posts about voting on social media -- please report them to our Social Media Monitoring team here >>
Finally, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done up until now. Whether you encouraged your friends and family to get registered and vote, spoke out about an issue that mattered to you, or volunteered to help voters today -- you are a vital part of our movement for a stronger democracy.
Whatever comes next -- I’m glad to have you on our side.
Thanks for all you do,
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Remember, Friend -- today is not the finish line. Due to the massive number of absentee ballots cast in this election, we likely won’t know all of the election winners tonight.
And that’s okay. Because making sure every last ballot is counted accurately -- and every last voice is heard -- is far more important than getting results quickly!
P.P.S. Don't forget: you are invited to a special Common Cause online gathering tomorrow evening at 7pm ET/4pm PT. We don't know exactly what's in store -- but I hope you can join us as we review everything you helped accomplish this year, and plan for what's next >>