Dear friends and neighbors,

This election may be the most important election of our lifetimes. A vote for the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris is a vote to restore civility in this country. A vote to engage in civil discourse and end conspiracy theories that are ever present in this moment and time. We must have hope tomorrow but stay vigilant. The people of this country have lived through many challenging days - I leave you with a quote by Pastor Howard Thurman who helped guide Dr. Martin Luther King during the Civil Rights Movement on peaceful protest and meditation: 

"Whatever may be the tensions and the stresses of a particular day, there is always lurking close at hand the trailing beauty of forgotten joy or unremembered peace." 

We will get through this time and have learned for much. Voting is important, but this moment requires us to show up on Election Day, and every day after that. Stay in this fight; protest, write letters, show up to the legislature, and work to achieve the dreams we all have for a better world. There is so much worth fighting for - thank you all for being voters, for engaging and for never giving up!

Important Information about Voting

If you have already mailed in your ballot, check to make sure it was counted at the Minnesota Secretary of State's website. If your ballot has not been received, it is too late to mail it. You must drop off your completed at Edina City Hall by 3pm, or vote in-person at your polling place by 3pm. If you are unsure of your polling place, you can look it up here.

Protecting the integrity of our elections is more important than ever. If you witness voter intimidation or otherwise feel that your or someone else's rights were violated, call the non-partisan voter protection hotline at (877) 600-VOTE. Please see the below graphic for more information on voting rights. 

One last push to Get Out the Vote!

Join us tomorrow for a bridge display above Highway 100! We will meet at the pedestrian bridge next to the Edina Community Center at 3pm and display signs from the bridge. Hope to see you there!

Together, we can do great things! 

P.S.  Please consider making a contribution today.  Any amount will make a difference! 
Prepared and Paid for by the Campaign of Heather Edelson for MN House 

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Edelson For Edina · 4600 Drexel Ave · Edina, MN 55424-1132 · USA