Vote. Vote. Vote.
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Dear John,
Find your polling place and go vote!
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We almost worried this day would never arrive... but it's here. Today is
Election Day.
If you haven't voted yet, find your polling place here. Then vote like someone’s
life depends on it. Because it does.
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When CCAN Action Fund picked the motto, “Fight to Vote, Vote to Live,” it
motivated me to give this campaign everything I’ve got. It became a mantra for
me. Today, on the final day of voting, its significance feels more powerful than
We are fighting. We’re fighting for a nation where everyone has the opportunity
to have a livable wage, good housing, quality education, and affordable
healthcare. We’re fighting for safe, clean communities and a healthy planet to
pass onto our children and grandchildren. We are fighting for basic fairness, an
end to systemic racism, and economic systems that work for everyone. And quite
literally, after 230,000 COVID-19 deaths, we’re fighting for our lives.
This is an election about everything worth fighting for. No one can sit this
out. So get energized! Put on your mask and get out there.
If you have questions about how or where to vote, click here!
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Maybe you’re fired up and ready to cast your ballot for Joe Biden. Awesome! I
promise you - it feels great. But if you’re thinking you’ll stay home because
your vote doesn’t matter - then think again. Everyone who can vote in this
election absolutely must vote. Here’s why: Trump will contest the election
result if it looks close. He might even claim victory before all the votes are
counted. So we need a massive turnout of voters for Biden. Joe needs a win so
big and so obviously that there can be no denying who the next president will
be. A huge win for Biden is the best defense against Trump trying to steal back
the presidency.
So grab a mask, grab a friend, and vote! Not sure where to go? Your voting place
may have changed from the last election due to COVID-19. Check out this link and
find a voting center near you.
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This year more than ever, when you vote you’re not only fighting for yourself,
you’re fighting for the rest of us, too. We’re all in this together. So, are you
ready? Let’s go!
Time to fight, time to vote, time to live,
Nora Winsler
Voter Education Coordinator
CCAN Action Fund
P.S. Wondering what's next for climate policy after the elections? RSVP for our climate policy outlook Zoom call ith Bill McKibben, Senator Chris
Van Hollen, and more on the evening of November 9!
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CCAN Action Fund is the grassroots arm of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network.
The mission of the CCAN Action Fund is to effect change in public policy at
local, state and national levels to directly address the threat of global
warming. Through voter education, lobbying and participation in the electoral
process, we seek to move our country into a leadership position on the most
urgent global issue of our time — the climate crisis. [[link removed]]
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