Today is the day, one of the biggest decisions of our lifetime. Will America continue to be a country that protects individual liberty and natural rights, or will be descend down the slippery slope of socialism and government control?

Our Republican ticket - Trump, Gade, Cline - is fighting for you. We want you to be in the driver's seat when it comes to making decisions about your business, your children's education, and how you go about your daily lives, not Washington bureaucrats.

If you aren't sure where to go to vote today, you can look up you polling location by clicking here.
At the bottom or, in some cases, on the back of your ballot, be sure not to overlook the important vote for Amendment #1. This amendment to the Virginia Constitution would create a bi-partisan redistricting commission with an equal number of Republicans and Democrats to redraw legislative district lines next year.

This would help end the practice of gerrymandering and take control of the redistricting process out of the hands of the General Assembly, and out of the hands of Governor Northam. Join me in voting "Yes" on Amendment #1.
Your Friend,
Ben Cline