-- Your vote is your voice. Please call (844) 482-8683 if you have trouble voting or run into issues with your ballot. -- Polls are officially open! This is the day we've been gearing up toward for months. Grab your coffee and go vote, friend. With so much at stake, we can't afford not to. Double-check your polling location here, then head to the polls to vote for Mayor Levar Stoney. Polls are open until 7 p.m. tonight. If you're in line by 7 p.m. — you can still vote. We've been waiting four years to re-elect the Mayor, defeat Donald Trump, and usher in progress in our city, state, and country. If you can wait four years, you can wait in line to vote! -- Your vote is your voice. Please call (844) 482-8683 if you have trouble voting or run into issues with your ballot. --