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An Islamic State sympathiser led a terrorist shooting attack on Vienna on Monday night, killing at least three people, authorities have said, as Austrian police searched for accomplices that might still be at large.
An Islamist group in Bangladesh, Hefazat-e-Islam, has given the country's government a 24-hour ultimatum to cut diplomatic ties with France, as thousands of protesters marched towards the French embassy in Dhaka on Monday.
Over 100 prominent Indian personalities said they were disturbed by the 'convoluted logic of some self-appointed guardians of Indian Muslims in rationalising cold-blooded murder'.
DUP MPs Jim Shannon and Ian Paisley called on the Prime Minister to "initiate a national day of prayer to enable those to seek God" to help people deal with the greater coronavirus restrictions.
Senior clergy members say they were not consulted over provisions for a second national lockdown and will write to the Government to question why "certain exemptions" have not been made.
The Vatican has said comments by Pope Francis on civil union laws in a documentary last month were taken out of context and did not signal a change in Church doctrine on homosexuals or support for same-sex marriage.
The leaders of five of Parliament's political groups have written to the Polish Prime Minister to denounce the ruling by Poland's Constitutional Tribunal which imposes a near-total ban on abortion in the country.
Thousands of farmers are taking part in ongoing mass protests across Poland after their country's government voted to ban the £1.4 billion industry of non-stun kosher and halal meat for export in an animal rights Bill.
Ahead of the NSS's 2020 Bradlaugh Lecture on the subject, Stephen Evans says the disestablishment of the Church of England is right in principle and could benefit church and state alike.
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