
I know it's late, but tomorrow is the big day and I have a lot on my mind.

We've been crisscrossing the state fighting for every darn vote because we're not going to slow down until polls close. Folks, there's just too much at stake. Control of the Senate hinges on this very race. FiveThirtyEight says we have a 50-50 shot of winning -- it's a true coin toss with less than 24 hours before the polls close.

The truth is, there is still a lot of work to do (part of the reason I'm up right now! We are getting up early and staying up late to win this thing). Plenty of voters haven't made up their minds. We need to reach these folks in these last few hours, and I'm going to fight like heck to do it.

But I can't win this thing alone. You've always had my back before, and I'm hoping I can count on your support in these final few hours. Any donation you make will be directly funneled to reaching out to voters who haven't made up their minds, and to our Voter Protection Fund to ensure every single ballot is counted.

If you're lying awake thinking about what's at stake like me, this is something you can do right now to help us flip this seat. Pitch in $5, or whatever you can right away, so we can reach out to last-minute voters and turn this toss up race into a win.[email protected]

Counting on you, team -- let's finish strong.

Let's go,



PO Box 685, Des Moines, IA 50303
Contributions or gifts to Theresa Greenfield for Iowa are not tax deductible.

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