I’m going to ask you for a donation at the end of this email. I know that this is a busy time, so if you’re with me already, you can make a contribution right now and help us win tomorrow.
Earlier this year, when I read the article about what our Commander-in-Chief said about our own wounded and dead soldiers, my stomach dropped. I saw the faces of so many people I lost in my aircraft flashing through my mind.
I medevac’d soldiers off the battlefield in Afghanistan. Soldiers wounded so gravely that their lives would never be the same because of their injuries -- and soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country, whose families would forever have a void that can’t be filled. Our Commander-in-Chief thinks that they’re suckers.
I’m one of the pilots that got shot down in combat. After we were shot down, my crew and I managed to get our patients to safety. I strapped myself to the skids of our rescue helicopter and returned fire on the Taliban fighters. Our Commander-in-Chief thinks that makes me a loser.
It’s not about the name calling. That’s not the part that makes me sick. It’s the fact that this Commander-in-Chief makes decisions about when and how to deploy our troops -- and he has absolutely no respect for their courage, and no regard for the sacrifice.
It’s sickening, but this isn’t surprising. Anyone who has paid any attention to Donald Trump over the last few years saw him disparage patriot John McCain, denigrate the Gold Star family of Captain Humayun Khan, disrespect and discredit transgender military members, and steal funds from our military bases for his border wall vanity project. The list goes on, and on, and on.
Yet my opponent, Sen. John Cornyn, refuses to take a stand for our troops. Still.
When I went to Washington to fight to open military jobs to women, John Cornyn didn’t take a meeting with me.
When Donald Trump stole military funds for his border wall, John Cornyn didn’t fight back -- he voted to let him strip the funds.
When Donald Trump called veterans like me suckers and losers, John Cornyn refused to condemn him.
What kind of man is John Cornyn? Not the kind that veterans like me can rely on. Not the kind that holds powerful men accountable. He’s let the president get away with abusing our troops and veterans… again, and again, and again.
So now, it’s on us.
This is a call to action to every patriot across the country: The time is now to stand up for the next generation putting on the uniform. We need to send a resounding message that this is unacceptable -- to send that message in the ballot box tomorrow, and hold John Cornyn and Donald Trump accountable.
Our country is counting on you to answer the call. Do you have my back?