PFAW Member, I won’t lie to you, PFAW Member… I’m pretty scared right now. Our basic rights and, in some cases, our very lives hang in the balance tomorrow. But I’m drawing strength and inspiration from you, and from the entire People For the American Way network of members, supporters, and activists nationwide. Before tomorrow is over, I needed to make sure you had the chance to see some of the great work you helped make happen in our Enough of Trump campaign, which worked with top American artists contributing their voices and their original artwork to our efforts to mobilize the vote against Trump. Please watch our “Enough of Trump” closing video and, because there’s still over 24 hours to get out the vote, please share it with anyone you might know (especially in swing states) who might need that extra little nudge to make sure they get out and cast their ballot. The video features special messages from Alec Baldwin, Kathleen Turner, Shepard Fairey, Carrie Mae Weems, and Bill T. Jones, among many other amazing artists and activists. It’s a tribute to the success and breadth of the campaign, and it encapsulates everything we’ve been working towards during the 2020 election season, as we fight FOR hope and inspiration, and AGAINST bigotry and incompetence. And see the art and merch that is still available and still relevant >> The ENOUGH of Trump campaign is not just about getting rid of Trump … it’s about getting rid of Trumpism and all of its bigotry, greed, corruption, and lies. This fight will continue on no matter what happens after tomorrow. Our community is a force to be reckoned with, and it gives me hope that in the coming days and weeks we will work together to protect our democracy. We’re in this fight together. And together is how we’re going to rid ourselves of Trump and his Republican cronies. Thank you for supporting this campaign ever since its launch. We’ve been so excited to share our partner artists’ work with you, to show you how their art is making an impact nationwide, and to collaborate with you to get our billboards up in the most important battleground states. The fight isn’t over yet. We’ll be here by your side until it is. Until then, keep showing the world: We’ve had ENOUGH of Trump. In unity, – Sarah, Digital Campaigns Associate