UPDATE: RefuseFascism plans to publish the inspiring Pledge to the People of the World: We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America in the New York Times in the wake of the election.
>> Add your name to the many who have signed.
>> Donate as much as you can. In 3 days, we have raised 40% of the $50,000 required. Last night, a very generous donor pledged to match $10,000 in your donations. So double your impact now, as we push hard to get this message in front of millions.
In these confusing and dangerous times, with so much at stake, we will cut through that confusion with a strategy and way to act, "we will speak, we will stand, we will shout and march. Together. Everyday." (Read on here)
What’s happening, and what do WE need to DO to stop a fascist future?

Tuesday November 3 LIVE
8:30 pm EST / 5:30 pm PST
WATCH ON Facebook | YouTube
Gather together in the public square or tune in from home for our coverage as the future is being written
Join Andy Zee, co-initiator of Refuse Fascism and co-host of the Revolution-Nothing Less! show, and Coco Das, member of the Editorial Board of Refuse Fascism
election updates in real time (from the networks and other sources)
on the ground reports from the streets around the country
interviews with scholars, activists, artists,
special segments that bring you the real deal.
No election – in history – has carried greater stakes for humanity, for the planet, and for people in this country. What has been a rolling coup – the stealing of an election – is coming to a head on Election Day… What happens next is unwritten. The masses of people who refuse to live in a fascist America must write that history… This is what the RefuseFascism live broadcast will report on, analyze, and provide direction to what you, to what people in their millions, need to do to stop a fascist stealing of the election and a fascist America. RefuseFascism Live on Election Night…
Join live (socially distant) gathering outdoors on Election night, and be in the streets with us the nights after demanding #TrumpPenceOutNOW and join our contingent at Protect the Results protests Wednesday.
Washington DC
Tuesday Nov 3 4:00 pm Black Lives Matter Plaza
Wednesday Nov 4 3:00 pm McPherson Square 5:00 pm BLM Plaza
Los Angeles
Tuesday Nov 3 5:30 pm on Election Night, Pershing Square
Tuesday November 3 9:00 pm Union Square
Wednesday November 3:30 pm New York Public Library
Thursday Nov 5 5:00 pm Union Square
Friday Nov 6 5:00 pm Union Square
Tuesday Nov 3 7:30 pm Federal Plaza Invite friends
Wednesday Nov 4 4:00 pm Federal Plaza Invite friends
Tuesday November 3 7:00 PM Independence Mall Invite friends
more cities
Be sure to follow @RefuseFascism and visit daily
Remember, you can support this movement by donating to make a moral statement to the rest of the planet in the "newspaper of record." Needed: $50,000.
>> Donate online, apps, or via check.

>> Your donation may be tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor, The Alliance for Global Justice.
917 497 1286
Make a donation online
Donate via Venmo: @Refuse-Fascism | Donate via CashApp: @RefuseFascism
Send checks or money orders, payable to "Refuse Fascism"
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 305 West Broadway #185 NY, NY 10013