New brief on the crucial role of an appeals court in WTO disputes. Blog post on statewide California rent control.
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September 16, 2019
Trade Ship ([link removed] )
Of Precedent and Persuasion: The Crucial Role of an Appeals Court in WTO Disputes ([link removed] )
In many domestic legal systems, the highest court has a special role in interpreting the constitutional or other foundational documents of the society. In the arena of international law there is no single high court and no rule of stare decisis—no rule of precedent. However, the U.S. is alleging that the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is treating its past rulings as binding precedent, and is blocking appointments of new judges to fill vacancies until the matter is resolved. In a new brief, Cato scholars Simon Lester and James Bacchus examine the U.S. objections to the use of previous legal judgments in new disputes, and offer some suggestions for how best to move forward on this issue.
Of Precedent and Persuasion: The Crucial Role of an Appeals Court in WTO Disputes ([link removed] )
By Simon Lester and James Bacchus
Spending Increase ([link removed] )
Federal Spending Tops $5 Trillion ([link removed] )
Reporters and budget wonks nearly always use the lower CBO and OMB numbers when discussing total federal spending, but they are the wrong numbers.
Federal Spending Tops $5 Trillion ([link removed] )
By Chris Edwards
Statewide California Rent Control: Shooting The Price Messenger ([link removed] )
California's lawmakers have voted for statewide rent control. This will worsen the supply problem for rentable accommodation in the state.
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Is Immigrant‐Induced Cultural Distance Related to Income? ([link removed] )
We look at whether immigrant cultural differences are related to earned income.
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Engaged Trump Judges May Restore the Role of the Courts ([link removed] )
If Congress can’t or won’t act, in the face of an ever-growing $22 trillion national debt that soon will bury us, can this Leviathan be, if not overturned, at least chipped away by the court?
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