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Dear John,
Just Vote.
This simple, sacred act is at the heart of our democracy, keeping it vital, representative and fair. Voting is making sure that everyone is given a chance to speak up; that we are securing a just and inclusive society for all.
But as we have seen this year, that simple act isn’t always so simple...
It takes you and millions of other Americans, lining up in any weather to vote in person, or taking the time to vote early and mail it in or drop it off despite any hurdles put in your way, from COVID concerns to long lines to deliberate voting-rights barriers.
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It takes ADL — fighting in the courts against voter suppression efforts including two fights alongside partners like the Brennan Center and the NAACP that went all the way to the Texas Supreme Court, pushing Facebook and other social media platforms to do more than ever before to protect us from dangerous disinformation, and expanding our incident-reporting platform to include election-related incidents submitted online and via text.
It takes our Center on Extremism, which has been tracking and disrupting extremist activities and providing government leaders and law enforcement with the background and latest updates on threat trends. We have met with the offices of governors, attorneys general, secretaries of state, and other officials from states across the U.S., contacted every FBI Field Office, every local and state intelligence Fusion Center, and all U.S. major city police chiefs, and engaged with the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Major Cities Chiefs Police Association and the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives to make sure they are informed ahead of Election Day.
Reporting Incidents
ADL is working toward securing a free and fair election. If you personally experience or witness an incident of hate, bias, antisemitism or extremism in connection with the 2020 elections, please share it with ADL through our
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incident-response tool, or by texting ‘hatehelp’ to 51555 so we know when and where incidents are happening. However, if you experience an incident specifically related to exercising the right to vote, we encourage you to call the election protection hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
Getting Out to Vote
Here are three ways to stay informed and involved:
- Prepare: ADL’s
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voter tool can help you check your registration before you head to vote on election day.
- Share: The 1-866-OUR VOTE election protection hotline and ADL’s
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Securing a Free and Fair Election: Social Media Toolkit.
- Learn:
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Voting FAQ: How to Vote and What Else You Can Do to Get Involved
We all need to speak up in 2020. We then need to stand united once the results come in, whenever that is, and rally behind the spirit that can make this country a beacon of compassion to the world. So, I’ll finish this email where I started it, with a message for anyone who has not yet taken part in the 2020 elections.
Just vote.
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director
P.S. Never Is Now starts on November 8! Never Is Now is the world’s largest Summit on antisemitism and hate, and this year for the first time, it’s virtual and free. Our expert analysis of vital topics like Extremism and the Elections will keep you informed about developments in the fight against hate.
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Register today so you can add your voice to the global conversation in combating antisemitism and bias of all kinds.
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