It's finally (almost) here. Make your voice heard if you haven't done so already.
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Fighting for: Democracy
Be part of this historic number
Find your polling place here
Advocate, it's finally here.

Election Day is tomorrow. If you're nervous or anxious, don't forget to breathe. And remember: There are so many people working right now to strengthen our democracy and fight for the America we all deserve. People like you who know that we deserve justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.

The turnout has already been incredible nationwide. And if you haven't voted yet, there's still time to be included in these historic numbers. Start by finding your polling place here.

Remember, there's a good chance we won't know the election results tomorrow night (you can watch our President and CEO Vanita Gupta speak more about that here). That's okay. It just means our democracy is working, and every single vote is being counted.

So let's do this. And thanks in advance for making your voice heard!

— The Leadership Conference

P.S. Please save this number: 1-866-OUR-Vote. It's the election protection hotline, and they're ready to help out with any questions or issues you may have. And after you've voted, make sure your friends and family have voted too! As John Lewis said, "Democracy is not a state. It is an act."
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1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 466-3311
Fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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