Reuters: “Trump statistically even with Biden in Florida; Arizona is a dead heat”

Tomorrow is November 3rd and we have no time to waste. 
Over the last few weeks and months, I’ve traveled virtually to key battlegrounds for the Biden campaign — doing dozens of interviews and events and reaching voters in Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, and North Carolina. 
There is energy and momentum on the ground — especially in the Latino community — and right now the polls are nearly tied in critical states, including Florida and Arizona. 
But this race isn’t decided by the polls, it’s decided by voters just like you, team. And right now, we need to do everything we can to send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House and defeat Donald Trump FOR GOOD! That’s why I’m asking, one last time before Election Day: 
Thank you for your continued support. 
Onward… to victory!
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From all of us at Team Becerra, thanks for your support!