Team, In just one day is the election we’ve been waiting 4 years for - the election that’s going to kick the Republicans out of the Senate and White House. Trump’s failed presidency has not only led America to a recession but also a pandemic, housing crisis, and rising unemployment. We can do better than this. Yvette is working hard to hold Republicans accountable for their actions over the past four years, but she needs your help. Can you chip in $20 right now to Yvette’s campaign to ensure we hold the GOP accountable?
The American people will not forget this administration's mismanagement of COVID-19. Not only did they know that the virus transferred through the air, but they said it was no worse than the flu. We need real leadership in the White House. We need leaders like Joe Biden, who has experience getting viruses under control - just look at his work on 2009’s swine flu pandemic. Joe needs people in the House supporting him and passing progressive and comprehensive policies like the HEROES Act (which has been sitting on McConnell’s desk since MAY). And Yvette is ready to get to work. We need to send a blue wave to Washington on November 3rd and we need your help to do it. Can you chip in $20 to Yvette’s campaign to help us show Republicans that their inaction is no longer acceptable?
One day left! -- Team Clarke