America is at stake

There is not a lot about this election we can tell you that you don’t already know.

If you have already voted, thank you. Please make sure your like-minded friends and family all get out and vote on Tuesday!

If you have not voted and plan to go vote on election day, we need to talk.

The media is spinning up a lot of scare tactics right now. It’s almost like they want to scare people into not voting.

Here is what we all need to do on election day:

Be prepared.

Arrive as early as you can.

Get in line.

Don’t let anyone make you leave.

Hold the line.

We have confirmed three Supreme Court nominations.

We have cut regulations and reduced taxes on hard-working Americans.

We have achieved energy independence.

We have protected religious freedom and the entire First Amendment.

We have won battle after battle in Washington D.C.

But it all goes away if we don’t hold the line on Tuesday.

All the phone calls are scheduled, all the canvassers have their list of doors to knock. All the ads have been run. All the text messages are set to go. All the mail has been sent.

It’s up to you now. It’s up to you to HOLD THE LINE for the Republic. For our kids and grandkids. For future prosperity. For peace and freedom.


Every vote is going to count. Don’t leave, don’t back down, HOLD THE LINE.

Together we can accomplish our patriotic mission to preserve this Republic. This last stand on earth for freedom for all.

If you have any questions, problems or concerns, please call our hotline at (207) 401-2082.

Hold the line.

And thank you for all you have done.

God Bless.


Dr. Demi Kouzounas and Jason Savage
Maine Republican Party