Dear John,

While thousands of our fellow citizens in the 5th District have already cast their votes, tomorrow will mark the culmination of my campaign to be your next congressman. I have traveled over many months from Fauquier County in the north, to our counties lining Virginia's southern border, talking to concerned people in communities everywhere. I have been encouraged by many individuals who care deeply about our country and recognize the seriousness of this election. We know that the outcome tomorrow will impact our children and our grandchildren for decades to come.

You understand that there's a stark contrast in this race. My opponent and I are diametrically opposed on every issue. I believe in the foundational principles of our great nation: the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I believe that the government's fundamental purpose is to protect those rights, not provide and distribute them. On the other hand, my opponent would surrender those rights at the hands of the radical left, and take us down the road to socialism where big government controls every facet of our lives.

He has aligned himself with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. He has campaigned with Tim Kaine, Mark Warner and Ralph Northam. His party is controlled by the far left and he would vote with them on every issue if he were elected.

I'm proud to have the support of Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Jim Jordan, among many others. I will stand with President Trump to continue making America great again. I will fight to protect our innocent unborn, our 2nd amendment rights, and our religious freedoms. I believe that we must remain energy independent for economic and national security reasons. And, I believe our best days are ahead if we ensure that our economy can grow and thrive with lower taxes and fewer regulations.

As we enter the final day of this campaign, I want to express my deep appreciation for your encouragement, your support, and, most importantly, your prayers. Our campaign has been richly blessed by each of you. You have made this journey truly memorable for my family and me.

So tomorrow is election day! Get your friends, your family, and your neighbors out to vote and let's win this! We can--- and we will---win this battle for the future of our country!

May God bless you, and may God continue to bless America!

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