Wait for it, John.
We teamed up with Leslie Odom Jr. (Hamilton’s Aaron Burr!) to remix Hamilton anthem “Wait for It” as a PSA about how we need to be patient to get final election results.
Together, we can spread the word that secure, validated election results are worth waiting for. Watch our new “Wait for It” PSA now – then share it to spread the word.

Election Day is tomorrow, and this message is critical: With an increase in mail-in ballots, we may not know results in key states for over a week – but 49% of Americans are still expecting results on or shortly after election night.1
Every American who votes deserves to have their voice heard. But this election, we can’t take anything for granted. President Trump has repeatedly claimed that we must have final results on election night, setting up false expectations for millions of Americans and laying the groundwork to try and prematurely stop the vote count.
Our Founding Fathers led a revolution to secure our right to vote, and Americans across the political spectrum have always waited for the votes to be counted before declaring a winner.
So let’s remind our friends and neighbors that all legitimate votes must be counted before a victor is declared. Watch “Wait for It – The 2020 Remix” now – then share it far and wide.
Leslie Odom Jr. is willing to wait for election results. So are we.
Joshua Graham Lynn Co-Founder RepresentUs
1. Pew Research: Deep Divisions in Views of the Election Process – and Whether It Will Be Clear Who Won  |