
Tomorrow is the day that our mission to stop a left-wing takeover of Arizona will meet its final test.

Two Democrat candidates who have a long and shady history of supporting the Chinese Communist government are at the top of the ballot this year in Arizona. And with the support of millionaires in Silicon Valley, Beijing Biden and Marx Kelly are hoping to turn our proud Republican state into a pawn for their far-left agenda!
At the Republican Party of Arizona, we’ve been working hard for months to stop the Left’s plans and ensure that hard-working, conservative values prevail for future generations of Arizonans.

And to tell you the truth, this fight would not have been possible without the incredible support of patriots like you! But now, in order for all of this hard work to pay off, we need to come together for an Election Day win TOMORROW to finish this campaign strong!

I know my team plans on making one last voter outreach push in order to show Arizonans how the Democrats’ Anti-Second Amendment, economy-destroying policies HURT working families in our state.

Thank you for all of the hard work and sacrifice you’ve put in to help us get to this point. If you haven’t already made your voice heard, make plans to cast your vote TODAY!

Victory is within reach!

For Arizona,
Dr. Kelli Ward
Republican Party of Arizona