Team — Election Day is almost here. This is the last email you’ll receive from me before it’s all over and the 2020 election has ended.

Tomorrow is the moment we’ve been waiting for since November 8, 2016: our chance to remove Donald Trump from office and set our country back on a progressive path.

It’s been a long four years since Trump was first elected, and while it was filled with an unprecedented number of challenges and threats to our basic rights and democracy in and of itself, we stood up for each other, fought back, and united for good. That’s what we have to do again, tomorrow.

We took to the airports when this president issued his xenophobic Muslim travel ban. We spoke out when this cruel administration separated immigrant children from their families and kept them in cages. We called, emailed, and lobbied when Republicans tried repealing health care coverage for tens of millions of people. We took to the streets when our justice system failed and innocent Black lives were taken by the same forces meant to serve and protect them.

We’re in the middle of a crisis right now, as daily COVID-19 cases only grow and working families continue to struggle. Crises should sear away partisanship, but in this case, Trump and certain members of his party have failed the American people by putting party before country, even in the middle of a deadly pandemic and the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

But all of that can end tomorrow, with your vote.

Now is the time for all of us to rise up. As Joe Biden says, it’s time to save the soul of our nation.

My team of volunteers, organizers, and staff are all still working tirelessly to Get Out the Vote until ballots are tallied tomorrow evening. It’s not too late to make an impact in this critical election: please, only if you can, make a grassroots contribution to help ensure every voter makes their voice heard tomorrow.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done these past four years to support me and help flip the Senate and remove this dangerous president from office. We’ve faced dark times, but now more than ever, I see the light ahead.

— Cory